Zofeen Khan Photography: Blog
en-us(C) Zofeen Khan Photography[email protected] (Zofeen Khan Photography)Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:28:00 GMTMon, 16 Mar 2020 06:28:00 GMThttps://www.zofeenkhan.com/img/s/v-12/u661483144-o831901386-50.jpgZofeen Khan Photography: Blog
12080Post 2- Reminiscing
I was going through pictures from when I was at NESOP (photography school) in Boston and found some lovely night shots I took in the South End. Still so much to learn but oh how fun those night walks were.
The four photographs below were taken in the South End where I used to live. The last photograph is of the Christian Science Church in Back Bay.
]]>[email protected] (Zofeen Khan Photography)https://www.zofeenkhan.com/blog/2012/8/post-2--reminiscingTue, 14 Aug 2012 04:38:35 GMTPost No.1- I'm nervous
It's Sunday, August 12th, 9:28pm and I have been working on updating my website for the last 7 hours. Every time I uploaded a new album I'd get up and do a little jig. I've sat here trying to learn how to manoeuvre the back end of updating, changing, sprucing up my website. I've been experimenting, making mistake and having to redo quite a bit. It was so worth it. I realized I wanted to get up and dance because I was motivated to make my website look better. I feel renewed, rejuvenated and re-inspired after feeling in a bit of a lull. Now let's see if I can keep up with blogging, tweeting, facebooking and updating my website simultaneoulsy. It's a task but I'm ready!!
Below is a snapshot of my website:
]]>[email protected] (Zofeen Khan Photography)https://www.zofeenkhan.com/blog/2012/8/post-no-1--im-nervousMon, 13 Aug 2012 01:45:58 GMT